We build the perfect solution for you with all the functionalities you want for your online project.
Handmade solutions for every customer
Kussin | eCommerce und Online-Marketing has overseen a large number of projects that have repeatedly required individual solutions. We develop our own modules and expand designs to offer you as a customer exactly what you want. Remotely we are constantly developing new modules based on php, which we believe can be helpful to future customers.

We program for you
In-house development and programming of shop modules or conversion of content management systems according to your wishes.

Our experience - your advantage
Based on the concept for your project, we recommend you the right CMS or shop system and professional hosting partners.

Shop, site or app
We take over the production of online shops, websites or even smartphone apps - reliable, innovative and inspiring.
Domestic web development without outsourcing
For cost reasons, many internet agencies rely on the outsourcing of certain development work, e.g. to India or the Ukraine. We have consciously decided against using international development partners & will only carry out our development in our own company in the future. How so? In addition to ensuring a constant quality standard, it is important to us to be available for your project regardless of political events and time differences. You benefit from a particularly effective implementation.
A shop system – perfect for your project
As an eCommerce agency, we specialize in realizing online shops with flexible and powerful systems. We do this exclusively for customers who, like you, rely on a professionally built and serviced shop due to sales and customer numbers. We implement shops with the Oxid eSales, Magento and Shopgate systems. We select the right system for you and your project and, if necessary, program modules ourselves according to your wishes.
The website for your company – all options are open
In addition to shops, we also create websites for your company. We work with different content management systems such as webEdition, WordPress or Joomla. Whether for the PC screen or in the mobile version for tablets and smartphones, our agency optimizes your websites for all output devices. We program your own apps for your company with PhoneGap.
Interfaces: Integrated software solutions
Your shop system has no connection to your inventory management or your ERP system? Such a connection is made possible by programming interfaces (API). We are happy to assist you with the development, regardless of the software involved.