Onlineshop relaunch
SULEJ Ladebordwand OHG
The company SULEJ Ladebordwand OHG is a leader in the production and repair of tail lifts as well as in the dispatch of spare parts. The spare parts online shop offers tail lift spare parts from all common manufacturers in all imaginable variants, while the official company website advertises competent service around the operation of the tail lift.
The second relaunch of the LBW shop, which we have been looking after since 2014, basically served to change the shop system. The Oxid version 6.2 PE (Professional Edition) opens up extensive possibilities for improvements and optimizations compared to the previous Oxid 4.10 CE (Community Edition).
The aim of the relaunch was also to develop a new design that would replace the previous one in a contemporary manner & also enables a lot more from a usability perspective.
The influencing factors of the future expandability as well as potential security gaps were decisive reasons for the switch to Oxid 6.
In addition, the following features should be implemented:
- Inquiry form with image upload
- Adoption of the previous spare parts finder (filter logic)
- Import of old customer, order and product data
- Multilingualism: maintainable content in German, English, Polish & amp; Turkish
- Checkout step for the selection of free articles
- Extensions in the customer account area
- Adoption of the product tags
A requirement was also the GDPR-compliant installation of a cookie tool and the PayPal Plus payment method.
Since the old shop was based on PHP 5.5, some security & Performance gaps are closed. In connection with the corporate identity of the old shop, we created a completely new design based on the flow theme.
The ability of the shop to be maintained intuitively by the customer was particularly important. Since Oxid requires a lot of training due to its functional scope in the initial state, we had to find simple solutions for the following content:
- CMS pages: The Visual CMS Editor, which is only included in the Professional Edition of Oxid 6, was used to clearly fill simple content pages such as the start page or landing pages with content. This was professionally installed by us.
- Products: The standard product editor from Oxid is in many respects not optimal for easy maintenance. Therefore we integrated our Artikeleditor, which provides a clear interface.
Inquiry form: For optimal customer contact, an image upload was particularly important with regard to the implementation of the inquiry / contact form. Since the module did not provide this option, we created a completely new module that even contains several images & all common formats accepted in the upload.
Spare parts finder: The spare parts finder is a creation from the previous online shop & enables customers of the LBW-SHOP to find tailor-made spare parts for their specific tail lift. The filter logic system was based on a third-party module with Ajax multifilter, which we expanded in the course of the relaunch. The design has also been completely reformed.
Data import: So that order, customer and product data from the old system can be transferred without any problems, a well-planned transfer of the database to the new Oxid 6 file system was necessary. For this we installed some PHP extensions manually so that modules & Extensions that can process data correctly.
Article editor : For a better overview & for more intuitive processing of product data, we installed the Jenanet article editor, which provides a completely new interface that is far ahead of the standard variant of Oxid & offers more performance.
Languages: The online shop should be available in the following languages:
- German
- English
- Turkish
- Polish
Since not all of these languages are offered in Oxids translation management, we swapped the infrastructure of certain languages for those that were really needed. We also added language settings to modules.
Free items: Since every customer should be able to choose free items such as Haribo or other snacks above a certain order value, we created an additional checkout step. This was developed from a prefabricated module and we expanded its logic.
Responsiveness: When developing a cross-device, user-friendly design, we were confronted with difficulties in the form of an unwanted menu break in the tablet view. The default on which this behavior was based was designed by the CSS framework Bootstrap. We then adjusted the screen selection directly in the bootstrap file.
When it comes to the customer account , we used a third-party module, which, however, had to be expanded to include some aspects:
- View of the activated payment methods depending on the customer group
- Discount setting according to customer group
- Display of further order details such as shipping method, status, invoice
Shipping: Here it was particularly important to mark articles with excess length differently in order to later hand them over to the appropriate shipping services. We have adjusted this adjustment in a few simple steps in the shipping settings.
In addition, some products should not have a fixed price. We enabled the “price on request” function for this.
Tags: It was a prerequisite to use the product tags for categorization reasons. We have developed a new module for this, which even dynamically creates collective tag pages with corresponding products. We also adjusted the URLs for this.
Kunde | SULEJ Ladebordwand OHG |
URL | lbw-shop.de |
Betreuungszeitraum | 2020 |
Marke | LBW-SHOP |
Branche | motor vehicle |
System | OXID eSales |
Projektthemen | Oxid 6 PE, Ajax Multifilter, Kussin Artikeleditor, Visual CMS |